Letters From a Young Catholic

My reflections as a Catholic young adult passionate about the Faith, seeking to grow in knowledge and understanding of God and discerning the will of the Lord in my life.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Once upon a time three young women were walking around the gardens of a Benedictine Abbey singing marian hymns in honour of their Blessed Virgin Mother. As they walked, taking in the beautiful view and in awe of God's glory, they were approached by a couple walking in the opposite direction on the same path. The couple paused. The man looked at the three young women and said, "Can I ask you ladies a question?" "Sure," the young women responded. "Are you Mennonites?" the man asked. Puzzled by this question, the girls responded, "Nope, we're all Catholic."

The girls left wondering what on earth would three Mennonite ladies be doing walking around at a Benedictine Abbey early on a Sunday morning singing songs to the Blessed Virgin Mary?

The moral of the story is, it dosen't matter where you are, if you wear a skirt below your knees you may be mistaken for a Mennonite. Regardless of the fact that you're singinging "Hail Holy Queen," have a rosary in your pocket, and are preparing to receive the real body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ in the Eucharist.

The second moral of the story is that more Catholic women and girls need to learn how to dress modestly. Maybe one day a Mennonite will get stopped in the street and asked, "Are you Catholic?" The fact that these young ladies were all wearing skirts covering their knees was the explanation given for their mistaken identity. Who would have guessed...