The Life of a Catholic Student

Here's a typical example of my life as a Catholic university student. I'm excited about this coming weekend. There's so much going on.
Tonight we're hosting a workshop on NFP (Natural Family Planning) at the college. Yipeee! Actually, quite honestly, learning about NFP with your closest friends can be quite entertaining. Really. It's a far better source of entertainment than going to a comedy club. Last year when we had a similar session we were all laughing so hard we were crying. Who knew NFP could be so entertaining. . . we do restrict the session to women however since. . .well, most of us are not married yet. It's interesting however that many of the guys are encouraging their female friends to go.
Tomorrow I'm helping a friend and her family move. In the evening I'm driving out to my aunt and uncle's to have supper with them and my Opa who has come down to the city for a visit. We'll be going to my cousins' high school production of the musical, The Music Man, after dinner.
Saturday we have a speaker coming to give some talks on marriage at the college. I'm helping organize this. And then Saturday night we've got a movie night. . . any suggestions of movies to watch? I'm looking for an entertaining, engaging, thought-provoking, non-morally offensive, movie for 18 - 30 year olds mixed company.
Sunday I'm looking forward to visiting with some friends I haven't seen for a while and going to a silver jubilee Mass for one of the sisters at the Poor Clares in Mission. The archbishop will be the main celebrant. I imagine their tiny little chapel will be quite crowded.
Somewhere in the midst of all of this I have a couple midterm exams to study for. I'm starting to lack motivation for my school work but I will try and discipline myself to perservere to the end these last few months.
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